Wednesday, January 23, 2008

[glare worthy of disintegration]

Flip people! Stay out of my kitchen while I'm baking!

Why do I get so irrationaly angry about things like this?


maria. said...

Because people are nosy and stay out of other people's business. Baking with Norah is ok, with Marten very tedious, with Didi - it's downright dangerous (for him).

nadine j. said...

Yeah, I don't have that.
I've got my dad coming in and seeing me with cookies all across the stove and he decides it's high time for him to make himself an omelette[and if you've never seen my dad cook, he goes all out, literally].
Then, there's the people who just have to amble through every five minutes because they apparently have nothing else to do but get in my way.

As you can see, I'm still a little irritable about this.