Monday, June 30, 2008

dunh dunh dunh DUUNNHHH! (cue Zelda theme song)

Woot! I don't have to work tomorrow, this is incredible!
I'm excited, but I don't know what to do with myself.

I think that maybe I'll do laundry.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

yo-ho-ho and a bottle of cod liver oil

I am a horrid navigator. :] Sorry Brittni..... heh heh

Also, remember: steady stream. Oh stuff, fun stuff.

One more thing, I got a letter on Friday and I'm going to read it after church this morning. Yup. I'm excited.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Other girl has returned! (as of Monday)

Except, now she's starting to learn my real name.

Ergo, other girl's time may be short-lived.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

  • I'm tired, but I had a pretty dang swell day today.
  • I decided to start reading the book of Proverbs.
  • I'm a big fan of lists, I don't know why.
  • I went swimming with Dan and Christopher. It was fun. :]
  • I like square brackets. I never use them properly, but they're square and that's what matters. (Especially in math.)
  • I just ate several pickles and each one was delectable.
  • I have very much desire to get a puppy.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

brilliancy, on the go!

On the way home from work, I observed something humorous.

Someone was trying to be environmentally-friendly by throwing their orange peels out the window. Nice of them, eh? To make everything better, they placed said peels inside a plastic bag.

You people are BRILLIANT!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Psalm 45:1

my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.

Think about that before (and while) you speak.

Monday, June 23, 2008

I almost squooshed a snail when I drove to work this morning. Twice.

And, I ate the sticker on my apple.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

What would happen if I soaked my feet in tea?

P.S. I really dislike leaving messages with a machine.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's an interesting point that you make..... And it's true.

"There was never anything to be gained from observing what humans said to one another - language was just there to hide their thoughts."
Terry Pratchett in his book Reaper Man
I still like to speak... even if it is to hide my thoughts.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

salt water...UP the nose...on purpose too yet

I learned again yesterday that I need help...with a lot of things that I don't want to admit to.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Looks like a pretty good weekend ahead. I think I'll pitch my tent here.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

much too hasty

I spoke too hastily.
This phrase stood out [for me] from the sermon we received in Flamborough this afternoon.

"never stop trying to look like Jesus"
-Rev. John VanPopta
I don't try very hard, and my efforts are weak.
...Especially considering I don't like to look like anyone but myself.

defective prayer life

It was Amy's birthday yesterday (different Amy than last time). Happy birthday (yesterday) Amy.
I hope you had a good day.

I don't know if you'll get a chance to read this, Amy, but I'm going to write it anyways:

I want you to know that I've been thinking about you. A lot.
I've been thinking about you at least one hundred times more than I've been praying for you. And, I'm sorry for that. I forget to pray for you, and sometimes I just don't really want to pray. I'm sorry that my prayer life is defective and inconsistent.

I really truly am sorry, and I do love you. For real.

Nadine J. Muis

Friday, June 06, 2008

a newfangled stream of words

I really don't like being told that I am similar to other people, no matter how much I admire that person.

I just want to look and act like me.

point form lists

  • It's Friday today. That is only one [of many] good reason[s] to rejoice (this fact in itself is reason to rejoice).
  • It's also summertime!
  • I got a haircut. AND, I like my haircut. [Except that I have to learn how to do it properly...]
  • I started my French's due next week and it's enormous.
  • Tomorrow is going to be a fun day, I think. Yeah, definitely of the Fun Variety.
  • I actually got some sleep last night. Not much, but it was much needed and therefore, much more appreciated.
  • I have four more days of classes, then four exams, and after that, I will never again be a student at Guido de Bres Christian High School.
  • It was Lisa and Amy's birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday [yesterday] Amy and Lisa!
  • [not so much a cause for rejoicing, but oh well] I still miss people, even though I saw them just yesterday night.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

ondule! ondule!

plod plod plod plod

picture my sister.........ohhohohohoaoaoihadaahaachortledjalgagakkbnkajfb
(such emissions continue to occur)

It's just too funny, I can't even continue.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Miste' Fossy, I've been thinking...

this, clearly, is the gerbera which catherine yvonne hordyk purchased for me at the campfire! pants & plants evening. it's quite lovely.

[the name pants & plants is courtsey of daniel muis and sarah vanpopta]

also. i have discovered some things slash i have learned some things slash i am in the process of discovering some things slash i am in the process of learning some things.

  • there are certain people with whom i feel very comfortable driving (even at very high velocities)
  • it's good to admit that you're nervous even to someone whom you wouldn't normally tell
  • i like to sing. but mostly when no one else is listening because then i feel comfortable "belting it out"
  • sometimes, sadness is refreshing, as odd as that may sound
  • there are some amazing people in this world that i'm just finding out about, some i've gone to school with for several years, some i've just met, some i've known for my whole life, some i've known for their whole life, most i haven't met yet
  • it's fun to play mario kart, even if you're not good at it
  • living worship remains one of my favourite activities
  • i like to laugh. loudly, clearly, obnoxiously, contagiously
  • i'm very easily distracted and excited. and i like it
  • God has a plan for me. and i don't [need to] know what it is
  • i miss people more than i thought. or more than i planned to
  • i also miss people less than i thought. or less than i planned to
  • my bedroom makes me feel welcome and at home
  • my family is pretty dang cool
  • sometimes i enjoy writing without capitalization, even though i'm breaking the rules of grammar
  • i like to bake. cookies, cakes, cinnamon buns, bread, things that are pleasant to eat, sometimes things that aren't pleasant to eat just to say that i made a mistake and then i chuckle to myself
  • i like relationships with people. real relationships. even if i sometimes show minimal efforts and therefore also minimal results
  • watching things is interesting. wind, spiders, people, flowers, insects, grass, cars, rocks, the sun
  • listening to things is sometimes better, but not always. cars, trucks, birds, wind, leaves, music, voices in song or in speech, trees, the sun
  • i like to hope that people aren't afraid to tell me when i'm being a jerk or when i'm doing something stupid. i like to hope that.
  • i like revelation 22:7-21 and 1 timothy 4