Sunday, June 08, 2008

defective prayer life

It was Amy's birthday yesterday (different Amy than last time). Happy birthday (yesterday) Amy.
I hope you had a good day.

I don't know if you'll get a chance to read this, Amy, but I'm going to write it anyways:

I want you to know that I've been thinking about you. A lot.
I've been thinking about you at least one hundred times more than I've been praying for you. And, I'm sorry for that. I forget to pray for you, and sometimes I just don't really want to pray. I'm sorry that my prayer life is defective and inconsistent.

I really truly am sorry, and I do love you. For real.

Nadine J. Muis

1 comment:

Amy said...

Dear Nadine,
The other day, I wrote you a letter. And in that letter I wrote something that sounded sadly all too familiar to what I read in this blog post. I am sorry too. I'm sorry that my thoughts about you far exceed the times I turn those thoughts into prayers.
I love you too.
And I will be glad when I "get home and realize how much I missed you."