Monday, June 23, 2008

I almost squooshed a snail when I drove to work this morning. Twice.

And, I ate the sticker on my apple.


Carol-Lee Joy said...

you DROVE???

don't even worry about the sticker. i've eaten enough dirt in the one week of work to last me a lifetime!

nadine j. said...

I drove my bike...I always drive my bike to work in the summer. I don't understand why this is exciting...

Oh me too. I ate my sticker again today. I don't think I have ever reminded myself not to eat the apple in such haste that I eat the sticker. I too have eaten enough dirt to last me a lifetime...several times. But, eating a plastic sticker is a little bit different on the digestion than dirt...

Fun thing about getting home from work: blowing nose. ;)