Wednesday, December 12, 2007


People are horrible. We will do anything to make ourselves appear "better". What is the DEAL?!?!?!

Why do we have to be so horribly evil?


Carol-Lee Joy said...

sin. pride. jealousy. old nature. flesh against spirit.

nadine j. said...

It was supposed to be a rhetorical question... :)

Ben said...

Yeah, that's messed up. Someone once told me a weird theory about why both sin and God can exist, why God would allow it. I'm pretty confused though.

Carol-Lee Joy said...

i know, but you got me really thinking about it....:)

nadine j. said...

God allowed us to choose. He didn't want robots that served Him because that's what they were programed to do. He wanted us to love Him THROUGH A WILLFUL DECISION OF OUR OWN.

Crazy thing is that He knew what we would choose. But, He still gives us the chance to try to love Him. And He still loves us.