So, today I went shopping. And I bought a saxophone. And winter boots. And scarves(two!). And a sudoku thing :) . And toffees. And headphones. And batteries. And...maybe something else but I don't remember off the top of my head. But yeah, all in all a good shopping spree, and I'm talking spree-to-the-fullest-meaning-of-the-word-spree. Yeah, that kind of spree. It was good, but bad. Just like wthe witches in Macbeth say "Fair is foul and foul is fair". Apparently that is refering to how some things appear good but are actually bad, or appear bad but are actually good.
This made me think of how God made the earth and everything was GOOD. I don't thinkg we realize the full meaning of that word. Good.
"Good 1. serving its purpose well, having desired qualities, morally excellent, virtuous, well behaved, dutiful 2. that which is morally right"
That is our dictionary's definition of 'good'. But, I wonder if this is the same as God's definition of good. Because, God made us good and nature good and the animals good. Does that mean nature was morally excellent? I thought nature didn't have morals. I don't know, It just makes me wonder if we have the same idea of what is 'good' as God does. Just something to think on.
you bought a saxaphone!?!
your so cool it scares me.
hmm, God made the world super good, and then we screwed it up, so nothing is really good anymore. smooth move, mankind, eh?
hey nadine! you use big words in your vlog, your writing style is magneefeek! haha, have fun with your new shiny saxamaphone
Ben L
No kidding, mankind is the worst. We messed it all up. It's crazy how God still loves us even after what we did to Him and His creation. It's mind-boggling!
SAXAMAPHONE!!! Woooot! I think I'm going to go practice. Just because I can!
i just read 'magneefeek' and laughed.
out loud.
It was a pretty cool word. Gotta admit it.
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