Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Does anybody know

By the by,

What is a jig?


Anonymous said...

hmmm i'll dance a jig for you and show you!
except actually, i don't for sure know what a jig is. one second.

ig2  /dʒɪg/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[jig] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, jigged, jig‧ging, adjective
1. a rapid, lively, springy, irregular dance for one or more persons, usually in triple meter.
2. a piece of music for or in the rhythm of such a dance.
3. Obsolete. prank; trick.
–verb (used with object)
4. to dance (a jig or any lively dance).
5. to sing or play in the time or rhythm of a jig: to jig a tune.
6. to move with a jerky or bobbing motion; jerk up and down or to and fro.
–verb (used without object)
7. to dance or play a jig.
8. to move with a quick, jerky motion; hop; bob.

HOP! BOB! yessss
that is what a jig is.

deenbeen said...

Thanks! I always wondered! I wonder how often you actually get to see a real live jig...?