Wednesday, February 18, 2009

fail, blunder, muddle, err, flounder, botch, fall, stumble, miscarry, flunk

Why are you consistently failing at life?

Why is it that you think that is acceptable?

Why can't you do anything productive?

Why do you convince yourself that things are true when they're not?

Why is it that you can not overcome issues?

Why don't you understand your weaknesses?

Why haven't you found your strengths?

Why are your relationships falling apart?
Why are you not doing something to fix anything?
How do you feel about that?

What do you think about that?


Amy said...

Somehow, I feel as if I could have written something quite similar about myself...

Lawren said...

Yup, I'm definitely relating.

Who am I kidding, everyone can relate to this!

What I'm trying to say is, you're not alone.

justine said...

i love you and all your fails blunders muddles errs flounders botches falls stumbles miscarries and flunks.


Kathleen said...

Agreed. (Me too.)