Tuesday, January 20, 2009

more to come, perhaps later.

I'm afraid this is what occurs when you are stuck in a car for about 17 hours with the same people.

I don't really want to talk about this one.

Proud parent!

Ichabod Crane Service!
This should not need any explanation as to why it's absolutely hilarious.

Some really neat shells with some really neat innards.


Carol-Lee Joy said...

uh, I think the "more to come, perhaps later" should read "more to come, for sure!" because I like what I see.

or else that looking-at-pictures-date should happen for sure.

T. Rev said...

Why is the 'i' capitalized in kid? You think the kid would have corrected this if he/she was so smart. It's not a good representative of the school at any rate. Or the kid, if this is the top material the school is able to produce and he/she is an 'honour student'.

For that matter, why is the K, M, T and G capitalized??

nadine j. said...

Dear Trevor,
It is the parent making the statement so what you should be complaining about is the poor education levels of the parent, not the child.
Perhaps the parent had issues with understanding proper capitalization.