Friday, January 30, 2009

darn chilliness

I discovered recently that I have a considerably low tolerance for frigid temperatures.

If I am doing something active (i.e. walking, running, dancing, etc.) cold temperatures are bearable. However, if I am sitting in a building it had better be warm in there!

No, it's not that bad. I just don't like being cold inside of buildings.
I like cold air, but not feeling cold. Trust me, there is a difference.

I also learned lately that I speak ridiculously loud.


Carol-Lee Joy said...



maria. said...

Only now you are discovering that you speak loudly?

nadine j. said...

Why is it that whenever I make a discovery about myself, most people have already discovered it?!?!

Anonymous said...

I, for one, had not discovered that.
I'll have to listen closely to this the next time I see you.

nadine j. said...

Now I'm going to be really careful about how I speak next time I see you. :)

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that
but it usually only happens when you are super excited about something or just all together happy...which is pretty often.
so it's A-OK with me!

Carol-Lee Joy said...

kira said what i meant to say very nicely.:)