Tuesday, July 01, 2008

your only comfort = THE only comfort

Quelle est ton unique assurance dans la vie comme dans la mort?

C’est que, dans la vie comme dans la mort, j’appartiens, corps et âme, non pas à moi-même, mais à Jésus-Christ, mon fidèle Sauveur.

(Catéchisme de Heidelberg)

Bible Camp. Should I stay or should I go?


Lawren said...

Everything is nicer en francais, n'est pas?

OKOKOK. What is this last line supposed to mean? I demand an explanation. Uh, please.

nadine j. said...

I think so, I really do.
French is a beautiful language.

Explanation to follow:
My wonderful French teacher, Miss J, sent me (and several others from my French class) an e-mail about English Bible Camp in Quebec next week, which they desperately need help for. And I am sorely tempted to go. But, my better judgement says I should stay here. As a result, my instinct is wrestling with my better judgement.

carolin said...


You should go for it - when is this opp going to come up again? If it won't affect your regular job - GO FOR IT!!!!!!

Love you
Aunt Carolin

nadine j. said...

I was seriously considering going. But, I stayed.