Sunday, July 20, 2008

the billionaire who wasn't

I think I want to go thrift-store-ing. And garage-sale-ing.

Just so I can see all the lovely things that other people don't want anymore,
and I can take them home and love them.
I think I want to find red shoes..


Anonymous said...

I went thrift storing a while ago and bought what I thought was a blue and white polka dotted dress. It is very ugly and old, but it made me smile. Plus it came with a cool green belt. I bought it with the intention of altering it and maybe changing what it looked like entirely.

Because I intended to alter it, I didn't bother trying it on first. When I got home, I put it on and-lo and behold! The bottom of the "skirt" was actually a pair of shorts! It was a polka dotted jumpsuit! Oh the joy and delight!

Since then, I fixed it and made it into a skirt, but I laughed about it for awhile.

Thrift stores are wonderful. I also bought a book of pretty pictures of Melbourne, Australia. Just because.

In conclusion, if you go thrift storing or garage sale-in, take me with you, please.

Ju said...

"Do you feel sorry for this lamp?
Thats because you are crazy! It has no feelings!"
I thought of the IKEA guy when i read your post.