Sunday, March 23, 2008

Nadine's brain is somewhere dark and damp and covered with spiders.

falsely cheery voice:
You've reached Nadine's brain's communication centre.
I'm sorry, but Nadine's brain is not in right now and may not be back for a while.
Please leave a message and Nadine's brain will get back to you as soon as it can.
Have a nice day!
truely grumpy voice:
Nadine's brain is out of commission.
Don't try to talk to it.
Do not disturb.
In fact, never try to communicate with Nadine's brain again.
You'll find it goes a lot better for you.
dark and damp and spiders are not an essential part of a brain's good breakfast.
in actual fact, one's brain will find that dark and damp and spiders are slowly killing the brain cells necessary for one's survival.


Amy said...

Dear Nadine,
Now I am really even more sorry I missed you this afternoon. Thanks for your message. I love you too.
Love amy
ps. I will try to communicate with your brain if I want to.

justine said...


I hope you mean dark and damp and spiders because of a tunnel, because tunnels have lights at the end. So, before I can communicate with your brain, maybe I can walk with you out of the tunnel to where the light is? Then your brain won't be slowly dying from the dark and damp and spiders, because Jesus is so shiny.

Carol-Lee Joy said...

I don't know what to say...I'm here and I'm going to pray for you...that God will communicate with your brain, even if you don't want Him to.

Ju said...
