Thursday, December 28, 2006


Yesterday was Haak day. It was really fun, even without Kira and Brittni (sniff). We had some pretty good times, playing pecan : P. It was good. I won (of course!). Yeah, but then I was promptly given some of the other players' cards : ), they were so great, they gave me cards!!! By the end, we were all pretty dead. So I had Justine and Cassie's heads on my lap. I was giving them head massages. It was cool. We were talking about the longest word in the dicitonary, which happens to be antidisestablishmentarianism (and you can take that to the bank!). So, I had to say MY word... flauccinaucinihilipilification. It is so much fun to say. Really, try it. Then, try teaching it to a bunch of crazies. It's really very entertaining. By the way, it means something about the act of doing nothing. OH and antidisestablishmentarianism means that you don't like the government.

There Justine.


deenbeen said...

Just so you know, Kira and Brittni are, incidentally, SNOWBOARDING IN BC!!!!!!


justine said...

i pictured the word: floxy-noxy-nihilipilification. (for pronunciation anyway)
thanks for this post ding! that day will go down in history.

Anonymous said...

sounds like merry christmas
frum kira