Sunday, December 03, 2006


I wore a long blakc/white jacket to church today. It was nice. I like jackets. Especially because it means that snow is coming! I really want snow to come. Snow is a great thing. Right now, I'm listening to Christmas carols. Maybe I should go carolling this year...hmmm. Anybody up for it?


Anonymous said...

i wore a..brown/green jacket to church yesterday, i love jackets, actually...mine was more like a winter coat.
but winter coats equal snowboarding SUPER SOON! LIKE 19 DAYS SOON!
and then i get to go to BC! and go REAL snowboarding.
this made me think of happy things
thanks ding! love yaa, and miss you alot!

deenbeen said...

Lucky!! I bet you can't flippin' wait!!!! It's so soon! You better enjoy yourselves!!!

Love you too!