Thursday, May 15, 2008

excited, nervous, and scared

shh, it's a secret.


Jessica said...

it's a secret.... love you nadine!!!

maria. said...

I'll be praying for you.

think about hats.

Carol-Lee Joy said...

ha. this is great! i love you. and admire your courage in this.

bwahahaha...i love secrets!

nadine j. said...

Me too, but it is tres difficile to keep it a secret...

I'm really scared to do it.

Anonymous said...

aha...i read this post yesterday and i was like...umm hats??
but then you told me and now i understand...
im pumped for you!

Ju said...

oooooooooh. i get it now. jeepers, why all the secrecy? We'll go shopping.