Tuesday, November 20, 2007

home visits and cookies

Lots to think about.

Lots of work done.

Lots of work left to do.


Carol-Lee Joy said...

did you enjoy a taste of my life? staying home all day? i bet it was different:)

by the way, was does "parce que" mean? (i'm pretty dumb when it comes to french. even though i took three years of it.)

nadine j. said...

I enjoyed staying home immensely!
It was quite wonderful.

"Parce que" means "because"

Carol-Lee Joy said...

i like that title. because.

and here, you can get away with using that word. just because you feel like it:)

nadine j. said...

Thanks, I like it too.

The title used to be "pourquoi"

Which means "why"

So, now I've answered.