Saturday, October 17, 2009

all in all, not a bad thanksgiving.

So, we went to Jasper.
And saw this:
It was humbling.
Yet, I enjoyed myself immensely. Kara and I spent much of the ride home playing with our cameras. Each taking pictures of ourselves, making silly faces.


justine said...

wooot! thanks for the photo update!! :)

Christopher Muis said...

bwahahahahahaha. love the last shot.

nadine j. said...

Why thank you. I also am quite a fan.

Although, I'm a little bummed because it really isn't that grainy in real life. Sigh.

Lawren said...

I'm finding it maybe a little ironic that I can zoom in on your face to pretty much life-size, but I can't enlarge the picture of the gigantic mountain.

. . . said...

Those mountains are beautiful and so are you.

...sometimes i'm good with pick-up lines.

justine said...

PS I really like the list of links on the side with the most recent posts. Looks like lots of lazy bloggers out there...or people who are too busy to blog...heh.

Carol-Lee Joy said...

What a delightful picture!! I also enjoy the mountainous view..even if the view is only from photos.

nadine j. said...

Kira, indeed you are good at pick-up lines. I'm impressed. :]

Justine, it's so true! Darn lazi/business!

Lawren, that also irks me! I don't know why it does that!

Carol-Lee, you shall have to come and visit and then we can go to Jasper and you can see it for real! :]