Wednesday, May 13, 2009

lately I've been wishing things.

Sometimes I wish my life was a musical.

And that people wouldn't look at me with an odd, but all too familiar, expression when I burst randomly into song.

P.S. This is from The Music Man, probably my favourite movie at this time.


Meagan said...

You shoulda seen the play at Stratford last year. It was amazing!

And, its because most people bust into song like you do.... so get used to the weird looks. :P

Carol-Lee Joy said...

I like it when you burst into don't change!

cat.herine said...

i'm so dying to see the rest of this film.

Meagan said...

correction: most people don't burst into song like you....

wow... i think i need to go back to school.

don't worry. everyone still loves you. :)