Monday, April 13, 2009

"like a sentimental school boy"

Do you ever imagine people saying things that you very much long to hear?


Sometimes I try to put a lot of words into an action, any action.


Sometimes I wonder if God cares that I feel [and look] boyish when I come to meet him. It makes me feel plain and almost immodest.


Anonymous said...

This requires some elaboration. I'm confused.

justine said...


Also, the shirts didn't fit too well! shoulda gone with a small maybe. Or maybe just stick with shirts I can try on before buying. Kira will find a use for them, so that's good.

But I love the earrings. and the fact that they're from Zellers. :)

Good night, dear friend!! <3

nadine j. said...

What are you confused about, Ben?

Julia was right, Justine, we shoulda done the shirt swap in the bath/changeroom! Foiled!

Carol-Lee Joy said...

You could wear a skirt and look all pretty and girly, Nadine. But I DO like it when you look "boyish" sometimes too.

kira said...

i also am confused?
you look like a girl if i ever saw one...feel like one too (and i mean that in the most un-creepy way possible)

Amy said...

Yes, I do imagine people saying things I want to hear. You aren't the only one :P