Monday, February 19, 2007

I think

I think everyone should be asked at least once a day "How was your day?" and be allowed to talk and talk until they've gotten everything they needed to off their mind.

So, how was your day?


justine said...

my day was wonderful, thanks for asking!
i had a nice nap on the couch (because i didn't sleep last night AT ALL), and i sat in front of the fire with some reading to do. but mostly i vegged.

how was YOUR day?

:) i love you nadine

Anonymous said...

I went to school and I had some classes, Writer's Craft was a lot of fun, because we hardly did was grand! I decided that I'm really not understanding Physics very well, so I think I will have to talk to Mr. Liestra about that. I think I get it and then we do a quiz and I'm al like Yess I get it! and I get my quiz back and I get really bad...So, that's kind of disappointing. Other than that, I'm doing very well and my day was very enjoyable. I got some correspondence done, so that was good. And yeah, that's all that happened. : )


P.S. I have to do this anonymously because I can't exactly remember my username from my google account...whoops

I love you too.